Downloads / GTC

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We operate exclusively in accordance with the Allgemeinen Deutschen Spediteurbedingungen 2017 (ADSp 2017).

Note: In clause 23 the ADSp 2017 deviates from the statutory liability limitation in section 431 HGB by limiting the liability for multimodal transportation with the involvement of sea carriage and unknown damage location to 2 SDR/kg and, for the rest, the customary liability limitation of 8,33 SDR/kg additionally to Euro 1,25 million per damage claim and Euro 2,5 million per damage event, but not less than 2 SDR/kg.

Our business is based solely on the General German Forwarding Conditions (ADSp), latest version, and are considered our terms and conditions.

These ADSp's can be downloaded of the page in German and English.

If claims from deliveries and services of Hans Peter Nolden Spedition were assigned to the customer (hereinafter referred to as debtor) to EUROFACTOR GmbH (corresponding note or declaration of assignment on the invoice), the following conditions of EUROFACTOR GmbH apply in addition to the ADSp:

We have assigned our existing and future receivables on basis of a factoring contract to Eurofactor GmbH. Therefore, payments are to be made – together with the indication of client name and invoice number – to Eurofactor GmbH, Bajuwarenring 3, 82041 Oberhaching near Munich and P.O. Box 11 07, 82032

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